
Journey to the savage planet multiplayer
Journey to the savage planet multiplayer

What may put some people off, is the 4hrs or less speed run but it's very doable to finish the game in anywhere from 55mins to a tad over 2hrs so the time limit is very generous and isn't something to be scared of. The majority of the trophies will come naturally but some will require grinding and exploration to obtain. Trophy wise, nothing is hard but No Refunds, We came, We Saw, We Kicked Its Ass and Screw This Noise are very missable so please see the respective parts of the Guide for more details. Journey to the Savage Planet is what you get if you put the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Red Dwarf, No Man's Sky and some LSD into a blender then turn it on with the lid off - it's that nuts! The basic plot to this game is that you play an unnamed astronaut who has been ordered by Kindred Aerospace (the 4th best Exploration company in the galaxy) to explore the planet AR-Y 26 and see if it's suitable for colonisation. Additional peripherals required?: No but PS+ is required for the co-op trophies.Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheats available.Do trophies stack?: Yes, the global and Japan versions of the game have separate lists.Does difficulty affect trophies?: No so play on Normal and avoid Old Game Minus.Also note that certain trophy descriptions are very misleading and at least one has a typo in it. Glitched trophies: 2 - There is a possibility that the I Come in Peace trophy might be glitched but I personally had no issues with it and there's also a potential problem with Phone Home.If you play in Old Game Minus mode, then all bar 7 trophies are highly missable.

#Journey to the savage planet multiplayer free#

Number of missable trophies: 3 if you play in Normal Mode - No Refunds, We came, We Saw, We Kicked Its Ass and Screw This Noise but free roam is available after finishing the story so you can get all the other trophies.Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 but 2 are strongly recommended.

journey to the savage planet multiplayer

  • Approximate amount of time to Platinum: 11-15hrs (personal opinion) ( Estimated Time to Platinum).
  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 ( Platinum Difficulty Rating).
  • <= Don't load this bit onto the main site. This Guide is valid, as of the 1.08 patch.

    journey to the savage planet multiplayer

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    Journey to the savage planet multiplayer